Netflix has said that 34 countries and regions were in the top performance tier in the month of July in the ISP speed index.
One ISP in Latin America improved more than any other ISP for the month of July 2022 on the Netflix ISP Speed Index, a monthly update on which ISPs provide the best primetime Netflix streaming experience.
Honduras’ TEVISTAT returned to its April form, with an increase of 0.2 Mbps to 2.4 Mbps. TEVISTAT saw a similar increase in April from 2.0 Mbps to 2.2. Honduras joins Bolivia and Guatemala as the three Latin American countries whose speeds held steady from the previous month at a performance of 3.0 Mbps or higher, an official statement from the streamer said.
However, in Europe, two ISPs from the same country saw drops of over 0.2 Mbps — two out of the three biggest drops for the month. Delta of the Netherlands decreased by 0.4 Mbps from 3.6 to 3.2 Mbps. Calway, also in the Netherlands, saw their speeds drop by 0.6 Mbps from 3.6 to 3 Mbps.
In Southeast Asia, Vietnam’s VNPT saw a decrease of 0.4 Mbps from 3.6 to 3.2 Mbps with their overall country speed average seeing a similar decrease, dropping them out of the top country ranking for the first time since April.
Thirty-four countries and regions were in the top performance tier in the month of July.
ISPs in countries like Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom and the United States all registered an average speed of 3.4 Mbps.
The Netflix ISP Speed Index is a measure of prime time Netflix performance on a particular ISP and not a measure of overall performance for other services or data that may travel across the specific ISP network. Faster Netflix performance generally means better picture quality, quicker start times and fewer interruptions.