Bharat 24, an upcoming national Hindi news channel has further strengthened its editorial team with the appointment of popular Hindi news anchors Mimansa Malik, Sachin Arora, and Poornima Mishra ahead of its launch next month.
Malik had announced her departure from Zee News on Saturday itself and, according to industry sources, must have been serving her notice period before formally bidding goodbye to Zee, a company with which she was associated for over two decades.
The popular news anchors bring together years of credibility and editorial instincts, strengthening Bharat 24’s editorial lineup further, the about-to-be-launched news channel said in a media statement Monday.
With so many known and trusted news anchors joining the editorial team, Bharat 24 aims to bring its vision of New India to reality soon, it said.
The new-age news channel, the statement elaborated, would also be the first to introduce augmented reality to its studios, offering an immersive engagement for its viewers.
According to broadcast and telecom regulator TRAI’s data, released earlier this month, India had 909 TV channels permitted by the Indian government as of December 2021. Though the regulator didn’t give a break-up of the channel genres, industry estimates that out of the 900+ TV channels, approximately 392 were news channels, dominated by regional languages and owned by private companies.
Bharat24, according to industry buzz, is backed by a Gujarat-based corporate house.