Tata Group, which launched its super app Tata Neu, has announced the appointment of former Amazon executive Akash Banerji as head of content and entertainment vertical for the app. Banerji, who was heading marketing of the central mobile biz development unit at Amazon, will oversee the entire content ver...
Category: Industry
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Disney + Hotstar appoints Nishant Tandon as AVP-growth
Streaming platform Disney + Hotstar has announced the appointment of Nishant Tandon as AVP-growth, according to his LinkedIn post. He wrote, “After a 6-year long stint with V18 and Voot, moving back to the group where it all began. Though I am sad that I will not be working with people whom I have called friends for a long while, I look forwa...
Rolly Kapoor joins Quint as VP & National Sales Head
Rolly Kapoor has joined the English and Hindi language Indian general news and opinion website Quint as VP & National Sales Head. The news was shared by Rolly on her LinkedIn account. Prior to Quint, she was the vice preside...
BBH India MD Arvind Krishnan
Arvind Krishnan, managing director at BBH India, has quit the agency. BBH India confirmed the development. Krishnan’s immediate professional plans are unknown at the moment. Krishnan’s advertising career spans close to two decad...
FreeDish emerges as platform for national outreach: Prasar Bharati
Public and national outreach to the masses across India through television has received a tremendous boost with the DD FreeDish platform. Staying true to its public service mandate, Prasar Bharati’s FreeDish had stood out in serving the people during the pandemic by enabling massive public outreach and dissemination ...
Nitin Bawankule quits DisneyStar
Nitin Bawankule, head of ad sales at DisneyStar has stepped down from his post after a stint of 2.5 years. He is expected to join Amazon next month. According to Economic Times, Bawankule is serving his notice period and April 22 is his last day at the company. DisneyStar has seen multiple senior-level exits in the last year, the most rece...