गुरमीत चौधरी

कोरोना के खिलाफ लड़ाई में गुरमीत चौधरी ने की घोषणा

अभिनेता गुरमीत चौधरी ने ऐलान किया है कि वो आम आदमी के लिए लखनऊ और पटना में एक हज़ार बिस्तरों वाला अस्पताल बनाएंगे। इस बात की घोषणा गुरमीत ने सोशल मीडिया पर की। अपने ट्वीट में गुरमीत चौधरी ने लिखा कि, मैंने यह तय किया है कि अल्ट्रा मॉडर्न 1000 बिस्तरों वाला अस्पताल पटना और लखनऊ में आम आदमियों के लिए खोलूंगा। इसके अलावा में कई और शहरों में भी खोलू...

Gen Z may cause next disruption wave in media sector

Gen Z may cause next disruption wave in media sector

The next wave of disruption may lie with Generation Z --- at least the American ones --- who prefer to play video games, stream music, and engage on social media, rather than just watch TV or movies, according to a Deloitte research.

While for a majority of Millennials, Generation X,...

Government bans 54 more Chinese apps

Meity working on intermediary SOPs under new digital norms

The Indian government is working on standard operating procedures (SOPs) and FAQs related to intermediary-companies under the new digital norms notified by New Delhi in February this year, according to a senior official.

“While there are clearly laid down rules, there’s a need to dev...

TV viewership numbers for IPL’s opening match: BARC

Fests, special events garner high ad volumes Jan-Mar’21: BARC

In what could be an indication of some sort of economic revival in the country, the growth in TV ad volumes across Jan-Feb'21 further consolidated in March 2021 with 456 million seconds of ad volumes registering during the Jan-Mar 2021 period, the highest since 2018,

 across all genr...