IAMAI terms Personal Data Bill industry-friendly

IAMAI terms Personal Data Bill industry-friendly

In a statement, the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) praised the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill (DPDP) as industry-friendly. It has struck the right balance between protecting the data principals' interests and allowing room for tech start-ups to innovate and grow. According to the feedback received from the majority of...


Govt. proposes self-regulatory mechanism for online gaming firms

The government has proposed a self-regulatory mechanism, mandatory verification of players and physical Indian address for online gaming companies, according to the draft online gaming rules published on Monday. Online gaming companies will be covered under the new IT rules that were issued in 2021 for social media platforms. The online ga...

NBF launches Digital News Federation (DNF) to give impetus to online platforms

NBF launches Digital News Federation for online platforms

The News Broadcasters Federation (NBF), the industry association for news television broadcasters, announced the launch of its new venture, Digital News Federation on Monday (DNF). DNF is an exclusive organization whose mission is to protect editorial freedom and the commercial interests of online news platforms. The NBF established a sub-...

Adani finalises takeover of broadcaster NDTV

Adani finalises takeover of broadcaster NDTV

Indian tycoon Gautam Adani on Friday secured a majority stake in leading news broadcaster NDTV, finalising a hostile takeover that has sparked press freedom fears in the world's biggest democracy. Adani, 60, is the world's third-richest person, with an estimated net worth of $130 billion and interests rangi...