The iconic Ramsay Brothers, known for their unforgettable horror films of the 90s, are back, bringing a new wave of fear with their latest project, 'Bandh Darwaze Ke Peeche.' The series, produced by Sagar Ramsay, promises to showcase a fresh take on psychological horror, blending classic elements with a modern twist. The Ramsay Br...
Category: OTT Players
Over the Top Platforms are named about devices that go ‘over’ a cable box to give the user TV content through the Internet connection.
‘Cadets’ to premiere at JioCinema Premium on August 30
‘Bad Newz’ director Anand Tiwari-produced ‘Cadets’, starring Tanay Chheda Tushar Shahi, Gautam Gujjar and Chayan Chopra, is set to premiere on JioCinema Premium on August 30. Directed by Vishwajoy Mukherjee, the story of ‘Cadets’
Prime Video hosts special roundtable with ‘Angry Young Men’
Prime Video celebrated the legendary screenwriting duo Salim-Javed with a special roundtable conversation hosted by celebrated choreographer and filmmaker Farah Khan. The iconic duo, who revolutionized Hindi cinema with their trailblazing scripts, joined t...
Spy thriller ‘Berlin’ to have direct digital release on Zee5
‘Berlin’, a spy thriller mystery starring Aparshakti Khurana and Ishwak Singh, is headed for a direct-to-digital release, the makers said yesterday. Set in early 1990s Delhi, the film is written and directed by Atul Sabharwal. It is produced by
Netflix, PNC reimagine regal romances with ‘The Royals’
When an entitled Prince Charming meets a start-up whiz, it's inevitable that they will bump heads! Will their ambitions collide, two worlds clash, or even spark a surprising romance? From palace gates to boardroom debates, ‘The Royals’ marks the first collaboration between Netflix and Pritish Nandy Communica...
Tata Play launches ‘Good Night India’
Tata Play Comedy is bringing a fresh new show to your screens 'Good Night India', a laughter-filled journey hosted by the charismatic Amit Tandon and Jiya Shankar. Premiering on August 19 at 8.30 pm, this show promises to deliver top-notch stand-...