Bollywood actors R Madhavan and Surveen Chawla have featured in a new comedy-drama series, titled ‘Decoupled’. Produced by Bombay Fables and Andolan Films, created by Manu Joseph and directed by Hardik Mehta. The series shows a couple who ar...
Category: OTT Players
Over the Top Platforms are named about devices that go ‘over’ a cable box to give the user TV content through the Internet connection.
Zee5 and Zindagi announce new web show
Streaming platform Zee5 and the Indian GEC Zindagi on Wednesday announced their latest fiction anthology series ‘Qatil Haseenaon Ke Naam’, to be helmed by British-Indian director Meenu Gaur.
Astro TV brings content offering with Netflix
Malaysian satellite television and IPTV provider, Astro TV has unveiled its new Astro experience, enabling customers in Malaysia to stream Netflix and enjoy better savings with new subscription packs.
Besides that, there is also an all-new Astro pack designed for cust...HBO Max starts hiring people in India as precursor to launch
Streaming service from AT&T’s Warner Media, HBO Max, has taken initial steps towards an India launch by starting to advertise for staff hiring after poaching Saugata Mukherjee from SonyLIV to be its local head of content.
“Check out th...
Netflix drops the teaser of ‘Aranyak’
The OTT streaming platform, Netflix, released the teaser of Raveena Tandon starrer ‘Aranyak’. Directed by Vinay Waikul, and written by Charudutt Acharya. In the show, Raveena portrays the role of a Pahadi cop. Netflix drops the ...
Disney+ offered at discounted prices for limited period
Ahead of its quarterly earnings results on Wednesday, Walt Disney Co. has said it was offering a month of Disney+ for $1.99 for a limited period, as the entertainment giant seeks to stem a slowdown in paid user growth at its streaming service.