Manipur talk show Digital Media

Manipur talk show served notice under digital norms; later withdrawn

Barely few days after the Indian government put in place a new set of rules for all digital content, a talk show hosted on Facebook by a resident of Manipur state was yesterday served a notice under the new norms, Hindustan Times reported, and then the order was withdrawn on advise from New Delhi.

Some contrary views are being expressed on the new norms announced by the Indian government for social media and OTT platforms, and publishers of digital news.

Digital news publishers seek govt. consultations on new norms

Some contrary views are being expressed on the new norms announced by the Indian government for social media and OTT platforms, and publishers of digital news.

Economic Times newspaper, part of Times of India group’s  media assets that include radio, newspapers, magazines, T...

OTT and Social Media

SM, OTT companies shy away from commenting on new norms

Most of the entertainment and social media companies have shied away from taking an official stand on the new norms announced yesterday by the Indian government for OTT and SM platforms.

The Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), which had appealed to the government to hol...

Piracy rise & restricted access to VoD directly linked

इन पांच कैटेगरी में बांटा जाएगा ओटीटी कंटेंट

ओटीटी प्लेटफॉर्म्स के कंटेंट को लेकर के विवाद काफी लम्बे समय से चल रहा है। ओटीटी के कंटेंट को लेकर ही केंद्र सरकार ने नई गाइडलाइन्स को जारी किया है, जिसके अनुसार ओटीटी के कंटेंट को यू, यू/ए 7 प्लस, यू/ए 13 प्लस, यू/ए 16 प्लस और ए प्लस कैटेगरी में बांटना होगा। इसके साथ ही ओटीटी प्लेटफॉर्म्स को लॉक की व्यवस्था भी रखनी होगी और सुनश्चित करना होगा कि...