Prime Video has announced the streaming debut of ‘Sharmajee Ki Beti,’ a slice-of-life comedy directed by Tahira Kashyap Khurrana, on June 28. According to Prime Video, the film features a stellar cast, including Sakshi Tanwar, Divya Dutta, and Saiyami Kher in lead...
Category: OTT
Over the Top Platforms are named about devices that go ‘over’ a cable box to give the user TV content through the Internet connection.
‘Bridgerton’ universe positively impacts the UK economy
Netflix and Shondaland said that the ‘Bridgerton’ universe has boosted the United Kingdom economy by more than a quarter of a billion pounds, supporting almost 5000 businesses over the past five years.
Obamas’ media firm Higher Ground, Netflix extend partnership
On the heels of the announcement that Higher Ground’s film ‘Leave the World Behind’ topped all of Netflix viewing in the second half of 2023 and that ‘Bodkin’, the Will Forte crime drama series, debuted on Netflix’s Top 10 weekly global list, President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama’s media company...
Prime Video launches new campaign
The internet's favorite bad boy, Bobby Deol, has taken on a surprising new avatar that has fans laughing out loud. Known for his intense roles in films like ‘Ajnabee,’ ‘Naqaab,’ and ‘Humraaz,’ and the fierce characters of Abrar in ‘Animal’ and Baba Nirala in ‘Ashram,’ Bobby Deol...
Spotify launches In-House creative agency ‘Creative Lab’
Spotify has unveiled its new in-house creative agency, Creative Lab, designed to collaborate with brands and agencies to foster innovative campaigns tailored to Spotify's unique audience. Creative Lab will operate in 11 markets, including India, the US, Brazi...
Amazon Prime Video India promotes Vivek Srivastava to Head of Growth and Business Management
Amazon Prime Video India has announced the elevation of Vivek Srivastava to the role of Head – Growth & Business Management. Srivastava, who was previously the Head of Prime Video Channels India, shared his excitement about the new role in a LinkedIn post, stating, "Thrilled, deeply grateful and excited about the challenges ahead as I sta...