India’s broadcast and telecom regulator TRAI has recommended that content delivery network (CDN) players should be registered with the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) through a simple online registration process. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of I...
Category: Regulation
TRAI readying consultation paper on satellite spectrum auction
India’s broadcast and telecom regulator TRAI is readying a consultation paper on the much-debated issue of proposed auctioning of satellite spectrum, according to a top official of the regulatory body. “Cannot say what it would be (auction or administrative allocation of satellite spectrum), but we would come out with a consultation paper soo...
MIB working on pilot cases involving RPD, direct-to-mobile b’cast
A pilot study on direct-to-mobile broadcasting, which has the potential to enhance the reach of television manifolds, will be carried out in an area in the National Capital Region (NCR) soon, Information and Broadcasting Secretary Apurva Chandra said on Thursda...
MIB reissues advisory on headend monitoring devices
The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) issued Tuesday another warning to those MSOs and LCOs who had not heeded an earlier advisory to install monitoring devices at their headends and failed to submit relevant data.
...MIB unveils new norms for AV producers’ empanelment
The Central Bureau of Communication (formerly Bureau of Outreach and Communication), an unit under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, has come out with revised guidelines for empanelment of audio-visual producers who are...
TRAI, DoT extend feedback deadlines for proposed policies
Broadcast regulator TRAI and the Department of Telecoms (DoT) have both extended the deadlines for making submissions to separate consultation papers.
On Friday,...