India’s broadcast regulator TRAI on Friday issued a consultation paper to address issues related to digital rights management (DRM) and piracy impacting the broadcast and cable distribution sector.
India’s broadcast regulator TRAI on Friday issued a consultation paper to address issues related to digital rights management (DRM) and piracy impacting the broadcast and cable distribution sector.
DistroTV, the US’ largest, independent, free, ad-supported streaming TV (FAST) app, has announced that it is expanding its content offerings to VIZIO.
Now millions of VIZIO users can stream DistroTV
India’s broadcast regulator TRAI said on Wednesday that as adequate competition exists in the TV distribution sector, additional regulations at this point of time is not required, though the situation would be monitored for future...
As expected, broadcast and telecom regulator Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has extended implementation of New Regulatory Framework 2020 for broadcast sector, popularly known as NTO 2.0, by three months till November 30 for broadcasters, while for other stakeholders too it has been pushed back.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) said it would conduct a consumer survey in respect of “Tariffs of Telecommunication services & Related Issues” via online and offline mode during the month of September, 2022 for regulatory purposes.
The survey agency, new Delhi-b...
An Open House Discussion (OHD) on the Consultation Paper on “Issues related to New Regulatory Framework for Broadcasting and Cable services”, which was scheduled to be held in July 2022 has now been scheduled on September 8.
The OHD would be held via video conference and stakeholder...