MIB tweaks mandatory carriage rules for DD channels

MIB tweaks mandatory carriage rules for DD channels

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) has effected some changes in the rules relating to carriage of pubcaster Doordarshan TV channels on a mandatory basis by the distribution platforms in India.

In an advisory, posted on the Ministry’s website Wednesday, MIB said some o...

MIB restores MSO Bhusawal Cable’s cancelled registration

MIB decides to monitor output feed of MSOs, cable operators

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has decided to put the output feed of MSOs and cable operators under scanner by having them monitored, though the reason behind such a move is still not clear.

“ln order to ensure adherence to the provisions of Cable Television Networks (R...


TRAI extends deadline on broadcast regulations

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has decided to extend the last date for submission of comments and counter-comments on its Consultation Paper on issues related to new regulatory framework for broadcasting and cable services to June 6, 2022 and June 13, 2022, respectively. TRAI had released the Consultation Paper May 7, 2022. ...

Take guard against 5G signal interference: MIB tells DPOs

Take guard against 5G signal interference: MIB tells DPOs

As the countdown begins to the auctioning process of spectrums for 5G IMT services, which will include reallocation of certain bandwidths used by broadcasting services to telcos, India’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) has advised the TV distribution platforms to take measures to reduce interferences i...

MIB reissues advisory on headend monitoring devices

MIB seeks comments on MSO-delivered platform services

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) has sought public views and inputs on platform services that are delivered by MSOs as part of pre-regulation consultations.

“Stakeholders are hereby informed that it is proposed to put in place an appropriate regulatory framework on ...