WhatsApp LLC told the Delhi High Court on Friday that till India’s data protection law comes into force, it would not compel users to opt for its new privacy policy, as it has been put on hold and will implement it "if Parliament allows it".
It is a means of interaction among different people through different social media apps like, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas through virtual communities and networks.
WhatsApp LLC told the Delhi High Court on Friday that till India’s data protection law comes into force, it would not compel users to opt for its new privacy policy, as it has been put on hold and will implement it "if Parliament allows it".
Social media platform Facebook is adding a new feature in video-calling device Portal, which is getting a ‘
Even as Twitter on Thursday was making submissions in Delhi High Court that it’s targeting to be IT Rules-compliant by weekend, the new IT and Telecoms Minister...
Twitter Inc.’s India unit has appointed an interim chief compliance officer and will soon designate other executives to meet the country's new IT Rules, the social media giant said in a
Today, Arogya World, a global health nonprofit, announced that it has been selected for the coveted 2021 Google AI for Social Good Program. Google experts reviewed over 150 projects from 17 countries from Asia-Pacific and Sub-Saharan Africa
Delhi High Court on Wednesday refused to grant interim protection to the digital news platforms that challenged ‘The Information Technology (Guidelines for Intermediaries and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021. According to ANI, the...