Apple quarterly earnings signals it tamed supply crisis

Apple ups user privacy; has video plans to rival Zoom, Teams

Apple Inc., facing accusations from rivals that it has too much control over its App Store, on Monday outlined plans to increase user privacy and keep consumer data out of other companies’ hands, laying out features including expanded video conferencing and storing virtual government IDs on iPhones.

Google rolls out dual SIM support

Google to change its global ad biz after anti-trust loss

Google said it would make changes to its global advertising business to ensure it did not abuse its dominance, bowing to antitrust pressure for the first time in a landmark settlement with French authorities.

The deal with the French competition watchdog could help rebalance the powe...

Saregama takes Sharechat to court over music copyrights

Saregama takes Sharechat to court over music copyrights

Music and entertainment company Saregama has moved Delhi High Court against Mohalla Tech Private Limited, the holding company of the short video format platforms Sharechat and Moj alleging infringement of music copyrights.

Last year, Saregama and Sharechat had 

Twitter adds auto-captions for videos

जल्दी ही ट्विटर लेकर आएगा यह नया फीचर

माइक्रोब्लॉगिंग साइट ट्विटर जल्दी ही यूजर्स के लिए एक नए फीचर को लेकर के आने वाला है। इस फीचर के अपडेट होने के बाद यूजर्स यह तय कर सकेंगे कि उनके ट्वीट पर कौन रिप्लाई करेगा और कौन नहीं। हालांकि अभी तक यह साफ नहीं हो पाया है कि आखिर यह फीचर काम कैसे करेगा। ट्विटर ने भी आधिकारिक तौर पर इस फीचर को लेकर बयान नहीं दिया है। ट्विटर के इस फीचर के बारे म...