India’s leading short format video app, Mitron TV has launched an advanced video editing application, ‘MontagePro’. As per ANI, the video editing application has been primarily designed for content creators offering premium video editing se...
Category: Social Media
It is a means of interaction among different people through different social media apps like, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas through virtual communities and networks.
FB’s ‘Neighbourhood’ feature plays catchup in the US
When Facebook began testing its new “Neighborhoods” feature in Canada last October amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the tech giant described it as a dedicated place for people to connect with their local communities. Here, in a corner of the world's largest social network, people met neighbors, shared banana bread ingredients, helped locate missi...
YouTube rolls out a new feature
The online video platform YouTube has rolled out a new feature for iOS users, as they will be getting picture-in-picture support. It will allow users to watch videos while doing other things on their iPhon...
Twitter troubles mount as Indian MPs question its motives
With Twitter refusing to blink, the Indian government is letting law take its own course, which, according to a school of thought, could complicate things further for the US company as a parliamentary panel yesterday made it clear that the law of the land was supreme and needed to be followed.
Facebook launches its podcast
FB testing ads in VR headsets
Facebook Inc has said it will begin testing ads inside its virtual reality Oculus headsets in partnership with several game developers, including Resolution Games.
The small-scale test of VR ads are a bridge between the social media company's main revenue line of selling digital adve...