Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Jio has launched its new streaming platform ‘JioGamesWatch’ under its JioGames offering. JioGamesWatch is the service’s streaming platform that provides an immersive and interactive game streaming platform experience across multiple Jio devices. The platform targets a range of users in the gaming space from gamer...
Category: Telecom
It is the exchange of information over the electronic referring to all types of voice, data, and video files. The Telecom companies which provide its services are Reliance Jio, Airtel, Vodafone Idea (Vi), and BSNL.
Jio emerges biggest spender in 5G auction, followed by Airtel
Reliance Industries' Jio emerged as the biggest spender in India's $19 billion 5G spectrum auction, with the top telco player winning airwaves worth $11 billion as the world's number two mobile market gears up for the high-speed wireless network.
India's government aims to begin the ...
Telcos’ aggressive bidding takes 5G spectrum sale to 3rd day
India’s first 5G auction on Wednesday received bids worth Rs 1.49 lakh crore on day two, as aggressive bidding across bands by players like Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel pushed the sale over to the third day. As many as five rounds of bidding were conducted for the 5G spectrum, capable of offering lag-free connectivity and ultra-high-speed i...
DoT looks to simplify spectrum, RoW rules in laws’ review
India’s Department of Telecom(DoT) has floated a consultation paper on the revamp of telecom rules, mainly to keep pace with the change in technology like 5G, simplify those related to spectrum and right of way laws and promote investments, according to an official document.
The new ...
Airtel successfully tests first 5G network at Bosch facility
Bharti Airtel, India’s premier communications solutions provider, on Friday announced a successful trial of India’s first 5G private network at Bosch Automotive Electronics India facility. The on-premise 5G Captive Private Network was built over the trial 5G spectrum allocated by the Department of Telecom (DoT). Airtel said it has implemen...
Adani Data Networks, Jio, Airtel, Vi to bid for 5G spectrum
Billionaire Gautam Adani-led Adani Data Networks, Reliance Jio, Bharti Airtel, and Vodafone Idea have applied to participate in the upcoming 5G auction, according to a list issued by the Department of Telecom on Tuesday.
The spectrum auction, scheduled to start on July 26, may see aggressive bids for some freque...