Kerala's renowned entertainment powerhouse, Zee Keralam, has joined forces with the legendary actress, dancer and Padmashree award winner Shobana, to introduce three captivating serials, two of which commence airing yesterday. Shobana, an enduring favorite among Malayalam audiences, will present the...
Category: GECs
GEC (General Entertainment Channel) which is a TV programming service consisting of different programs like daily soap, reality shows, etc. which was broadcasting on different TV channels like StarPlus, Sony, ZEETV, Colors, etc.
Shemaroo wins 13 trophies at Promax Excellence Awards ’23
Shemaroo Entertainment, a prominent name in the media and entertainment industry, has won 13 trophies at the prestigious Promax Global Excellence Awards 2023. This outstanding achievement elevates the company’s total Promax trophies count to an impressive 117, it said.
...&Pictures to premiere ‘Bimbisara’ on December 23
&Pictures is set to debut 'Bimbisara' on December 23 at 7:30 PM, marking its first-ever appearance on the channel and promising viewers an extraordinary cinematic experience. Starring Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, the film is poised to redefine storytelling with its gripping narrative a...
Castrol POWER1, Viacom18 team up for MTV moto show
Castrol POWER1, in collaboration with Viacom18 and Rajni Academy for Competitive Racing (RACR), has embarked on a thrilling quest to unearth India's finest motorcycling talent through 'Castrol POWER1 presents India’s ULTIMATE Motostar on
WION gets b’cast rights for Carnegie India’s Global Tech meet
WION, one of India’s leading global news networks, has announced its exclusive partnership as the official broadcast platform for the Carnegie India’s Global Technology Summit 2023. In collaboration with India's Ministry of External Affairs, the summit is scheduled to take place from December 4 to 6 in N...
Internet sensation Orry enters ‘BB17’ as new wildcard
Late on Thursday night, the highly-anticipated entry of internet sensation Orhan Awatramani, better known as Orry, into ‘Bigg Boss 17’ became the talk of the town. Orry, known for his connections with star kids like Janhvi Kapoor and Nysa Devgan, took to social media to...