Vinod Cookware, a household name in Indian kitchens, has joined forces with Sony Entertainment Television's renowned show, 'Kaun Banega Crorepati Season 15,' hosted by the legendary Amitabh Bachchan. This exciting partnership marks the beginning of a culinary and knowledge-filled journey, commencin...
Category: GECs
GEC (General Entertainment Channel) which is a TV programming service consisting of different programs like daily soap, reality shows, etc. which was broadcasting on different TV channels like StarPlus, Sony, ZEETV, Colors, etc.
COLORS to premiere ‘Chand Jalne Laga’ on Oct 23
COLORS is all set to ignite the flames of love with the launch of 'Chand Jalne Laga,' a captivating fairytale romance drama, premiering on October 23. Featuring the fresh television pair of Vishal Aditya Singh as Dev and Kanika Mann as Tara, the show unravels the extraordinary journey of childhood sweet...
SPN unveils 7 new YAY! animations shows for global audiences
Sony Pictures Networks India is set to captivate audiences of all ages worldwide with its Fresh Slate of animated content, spanning various genres and themes. The studio's foray into animation production has already seen success with 'Sudha Murty's Tales of Wit and Magic' on Netflix, ranking...
Rap music battleground presents POCO ‘MTV Hustle 03’ back from Oct. 21
Building on the mega-success of ‘MTV Hustle 2.0’, India’s leading youth entertainment channel MTV (part of Viacom18 stable) has announced the return of its desi hip-hop reality show.
The latest season of...
Zee Bangla ushers in Durga Pujo season with a new look
Zee Bangla, a leading Bangla entertainment TV channel, has embraced the festive spirit of Durga Pujo with a revamped aesthetic approach aimed at enriching the viewer experience. Launched in sync with the auspicious occasion of Mahalaya on Saturday last, this new design philosophy reflects the rich cul...
Colors Bangla Cinema announces TV premiere of ‘Ekannoborti’
In a celebration of familial love, tradition, and the power of second chances, Colors Bangla Cinema is set to premiere the eagerly awaited film 'Ekannoborti' on the auspicious occasion of Mahalaya. The television premiere of this heartwarming family drama is scheduled for ...