‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’, India's beloved game show, is back with its 15th season, promising to captivate viewers with a fresh new avatar. This iconic show has transcended boundaries, uniting people of all ages and backgrounds, and celebrating those who dare to...
Category: GECs
GEC (General Entertainment Channel) which is a TV programming service consisting of different programs like daily soap, reality shows, etc. which was broadcasting on different TV channels like StarPlus, Sony, ZEETV, Colors, etc.
Zee TV to launch new show ‘Shiv Shakti’
Zee TV is set to present a fresh, exciting drama that explores the healing power of love in a contemporary take on the 'Shiv-Shakti' dynamic, continuing its 30-year legacy of regaling audiences with stories they get hooked on and introducing characters that become India's favourite dinner-table comp...
Asianet to launch ‘Gaurisankaram’, ‘Kathod Kathoram’ in July
Asianet will begin airing two new serials, ‘Gaurisankaram’ and ‘Kathod Kathoram’, on July 3, 2023. ‘Gaurisankaram’ tells the love story of Gauri and Shankar Mahadevan, bringing the audience the intensity, warmth, and care of love. The plot unfolds as a result of their unexpected meeting a...
ManoramaMAX launches new campaign
ManoramaMAX, the OTT platform for Malayalam content, launched an anti-piracy campaign with the release of their new movie ‘Live’ to combat piracy and support legal streaming. Helmed by V.K Prakash, includes Mamta Mohandas, Shine Tom Chacko, and Priya Varrier. Their collective message emphasises th...
SET announces new promo for ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’ S15
Sony Entertainment Television has released a new promo for the 15th season of its flagship game show, 'Kaun Banega Crorepati'. The promo celebrates India's spirit of change, and the 15th season of the flagsh...
Colors Tamil launches two new fiction shows
Colors Tamil, Viacom 18's Tamil Entertainment channel, will premiere two new shows that will explore how deep and unique bonds are formed between disparate women when fate brings them together. The dubbed versions of the Kannada hit series 'Lakshana' and 'Bhagyalakshmi,' titled 'Perazhagi 2' and 'Archanai Pookal...