Nazara has launched its new show ‘Do Chutki Sindoor’. Set in the city of Agra, this show delves into the lives of Siddhi, played by Radhika Muthukumar, Maya, played by Srishti Singh, and Vinayak, played by Shubham Dipta, painting a vivid portrait of ...
Category: GECs
GEC (General Entertainment Channel) which is a TV programming service consisting of different programs like daily soap, reality shows, etc. which was broadcasting on different TV channels like StarPlus, Sony, ZEETV, Colors, etc.
OMTV premieres five part series ‘Decoding Sikhism’
OMTV, the exclusive OTT network showcasing India’s diverse Sanatan culture, launches new series ‘Decoding Sikhism: Unveiling the Essence of Faith’. The five-episode series is exclusively available on OMTV and delves into the various aspects of Sikh...
Digitoonz, Shemaroo to premiere ATCHOO! S2
Digitoonz, an animation studio, has announced a licensing agreement with Shemaroo for the ATCHOO! S2 animated series. ATCHOO! is an Italian-Indian animated television series co-produced by Digitoonz and Studio Campedelli & Cartobaleno. This series' new season consists of 52 episodes,...
Disney+Hotstar to premiere ‘Dance+ S7
Dance+ is set to return and entertain audiences with its new Season, which will be available exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar. The most iconic and cool dance reality show returns with ace director-choreographer Remo D'Souza as the super Judge, UNI reported from New Delhi. Talking about the season of Dance+, Remo D’Souza said, “Dance+ is like...
Zee Marathi brings new show ‘Khupte Tithe Gupte’
After a 10-year hiatus, Zee Marathi has announced the return of one of its most popular chat shows, ‘Khupte Tithe Gupte’. The popular show is set to return with a game-changing element:...
Star Gold presents the world TV premiere of ‘Pathaan’
Star Gold is thrilled to present the world TV premiere of Yash Raj Films’ record-breaking blockbuster ‘Pathaan’, on June 18 at 8 pm. The action thriller produced by Aditya Chopra and directed by Siddharth Anand is the fourth ins...