Nickelodeon, India's leading destination for kids' entertainment, is elevating the realm of children's programming with the launch of the global sensation 'The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj' in India. This groundbreaking animated series is set to debut on October 15, airing every Saturday and Sunday at...
Category: Kids
A channel that broadcasts Cartoons, Animated films for the children of the age group of 4-14 years to entertain them. In India, there are 19 Kid’s channels.
WBD reveals new ‘Tom and Jerry’ series set in Singapore
The much-loved cat and mouse duo, 'Tom and Jerry', are all set to embark on a brand-new adventure through the vibrant city of Singapore as Warner Bros. Discovery announces its first-ever localized 'Tom and Jerry' series. Produced in Asia ...
Nickelodeon Kids’ choice awards 2022 winners announced
Nickelodeon – India’s leading kids’ entertainment franchise – continues to strengthen its position and set new benchmarks in the industry with numerous category-first initiatives. The unprecedented success of the digital edition of Nickelodeon Kids choice awards 2022 received 1.7 million votes, the ...
Nickelodeon launches #YogaSeHiHoga campaign
Nickelodeon has partnered with the Ayush Ministry to educate and inspire young minds about the numerous benefits of yoga under its flagship campaign, #YogaSeHiHoga, marking the fourth consecutive year of collaboration in its ongoing effort to make yoga a daily routine in ev...
WBD unveils kids line-up for June 2023
Warner Bros. Discovery has revealed the June 2023 Cartoon Network, POGO, and Discovery Kids content lineup. Cartoon Network will celebrate 'CN Superhero Summer' with shows such as 'Dragon Ball Z Kai' on Sundays at 1 p.m. and special episodes of 'Teen Titans Go!' on June 18 and' Cou...
Digitoonz, Shemaroo to premiere ATCHOO! S2
Digitoonz, an animation studio, has announced a licensing agreement with Shemaroo for the ATCHOO! S2 animated series. ATCHOO! is an Italian-Indian animated television series co-produced by Digitoonz and Studio Campedelli & Cartobaleno. This series' new season consists of 52 episodes,...