Times Now Navbharat has risen to the top 3 Hindi news channels on YouTube, as per the broadcaster. According to the channel, 355 mn views were recorded in April, representing a 422 percent increase in total views.
Category: News Channel
It brings out the latest news of the world, which reports national, international, entertainment, political, technology, and sports news.
Times Group splits: Samir Jain gets print, Vineet takes broadcast
According to media reports, India's largest media conglomerate, The Times Group, has finally reached an agreement to divide the group's businesses between two brothers, Sameer Jain and Vineet Jain. According to Business Standard, Sameer, the group's elder brother, is set to acquire the group's p...
Zee News announces inaugural edition of Zee Real Heroes
On Monday, May 22 Zee News will broadcast the first-ever episode of Zee REAL HEROES. This public forum aims to recognize the efforts and accomplishments of Indian change-makers in the fields of innovation, expertise, sports, health, arts...
Manoj Bajpayee recalls run-ins with film people in ‘Aap Ki Adalat’
On Saturday, May 20, Manoj Bajpayee appeared on 'Aap Ki Adalat', hosted by India TV Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Rajat Sharma, and explained why he ran behind Tigmanshu Dhulia with a brick, and m...
CNN-News18 unveils on-air programming for G7 Summit
CNN-News18 has announced its on-air programming for the 49th G7 Summit, which is taking place in Hiroshima, Japan. The English news channel has curated a lineup of shows and segments to keep viewers up to date on the important G7 meetings. The G7 Summit, an annual gathering of seven major economies' leaders, serves as a forum for global co...
News 18 Punjab Haryana launches new brand IP – The Prominent Punjabi
News 18 Punjab Haryana has announced the launch of a new intellectual property (IP) called The ‘Prominent Punjabi’, which will host a gathering of prominent Punjabi personalities from various fields. The event is set to take place on May 18 in ...