ABP News, one of India's leading Hindi news channels, has announced the relaunch of its popular show, ‘Vyakti Vishesh’, in a new guise called ‘24 Face Vyakti Vishesh’. The show will focus on the lives and journeys of political leaders who have had a significant impact on the country every week. It will also look at pivotal events that have sh...
Category: News Channel
It brings out the latest news of the world, which reports national, international, entertainment, political, technology, and sports news.
‘Aap Ki Adalat’ with Manoj Bajpayee to promote ‘Bandaa’
Manoj Bajpayee, renowned for his refined acting abilities, has left an indelible imprint on the hearts and minds of audiences. The actor has been praised for his bold roles and opinions, and this time he is set to speak his mind in an exclusive episode of 'Aap Ki Adalat'.
ABP News launches weekend special show ‘Saakshaat’
ABP News announced the launch of a new weekend special show, ‘Saakshaat’. The show will ...
Zee Business’ #MRPParDoKhana news reportage results in IRCTC taking immediate strict action against offenders
While food delivery has been one of the more convenient services provided by the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), there have been instances where passengers have been overcharged for purchasing food items or having unwanted items added to their train menus. Following passenge...
NDTV gets board approval to launch 9 new channels
The Board of Directors at New Delhi Television Limited (NDTV) has approved the proposal to request the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting for permission to launch nine news channels, according to the NSE and BSE. The meeting took place on May 17 and the company stated that it will notify the stock e...
Tata Power, News18 join forces for India’s clean energy revolution
Leading integrated power company Tata Power is joining forces with News18 to take the Sustainable Is Attainable (SIA) movement to new heights with the SIA Fest in New Delhi on Tuesday. The event will witness the presence of Union Ministers, top bureaucrats at the state level, Ambassadors, celebrities, and leaders from various fields. Union...