ABP News Live has emerged as the undisputed leader in Hindi news live streams across India, clinching the top spot with an impressive 35.20 million unique viewers, as per the latest data released by Chrome Digital Track for Week 17 of 2024 (April 20-26), spannin...
Category: News Channel
It brings out the latest news of the world, which reports national, international, entertainment, political, technology, and sports news.
Harpic, News18’s ‘Mission Swachhta Aur Paani’ celebrates 1400 days of impactful hygiene awareness
As Mission Swachhta Aur Paani, a collaborative initiative by Harpic and News18, marks a remarkable milestone of 1400 days, it continues to spearhead efforts in promoting nationwide hygiene awareness. According to a press release, this groundbreaking campai...
Fadnavis dwells on Thackeray’s shocking offer in Zee 24 TAAS interview
Political shockwaves reverberated through Maharashtra as Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis made a startling revelation on Zee 24 TAAS' 'To the Point' program. Fadnavis disclosed an unexpected offer from Uddhav Thackeray, the Chief Minister at the time, duri...
NDTV Marathi, 6th news channel from the stable, launched
NDTV yesterday unveiled NDTV Marathi, its sixth news channel, dedicated to delivering reliable news and information to the people of Maharashtra. The launch event in Mumbai, graced by Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fad...
ABP LIVE introduces India’s first android app for in-car entertainment and news
ABP LIVE has launched a groundbreaking Android app designed for in-car entertainment and information services, marking a significant milestone in digital media innovation. As the first news publication in India and among a select few globally to offer conten...
News18’s Indian languages cluster holds top spot in poll season
Latest ComScore data shows that News18 Network’s Indian languages cluster has maintained its position as the number one digital news platform in the genre in March 2024. According to a media statement from News18 Network, at a whopping 83.7 million Unique Visi...