Actor Dhanush has announced that his upcoming Tamil-language movie ‘Thiruchitrambalam’ will release in the theatres on August 18. The musical comedy-drama film is written and directed by Mithran Jawahar who previously collaborated with Dhanush for ‘Yaaradi Nee Mohini’, ‘Kutty’, and ‘Uthamaputhiran’. The 38-year-old actor shared the news of...
Category: Television
Star Sports partners with NODWIN Gaming for BGMI tourney
Star Sports has partnered with NODWIN Gaming to broadcast the Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) master series tournament from June 24 to July 17, 2022 in Hindi, Tamil, and English. The tournament will be aired LIVE on Star Sports 2 from the NODWIN Studios. The participating teams will play for a prize pool of Rs.1.5 crore. The addition of ...
ABP Ananda successfully concludes ‘Shiksha Samman 2022’
India’s leading Bengali news channel, ABP Ananda, has successfully concluded its first edition of the prestigious on-ground event ‘ABP Ananda Shiksha Samman 2022’ on June 10, 2022. ‘Shikha Samman 2022’ is an event to felicitate institutions that have attained exemplary achievements in the field of education. The show will air on ABP Ananda...
BARC Rating 23rd Week: Sun TV maintains the lead position in all genres
Broadcasting Audience Research Council (BARC) 23rd Week (4th June – 10th June 2022) has released its report. In India, Sun TV is continued to dominate the list of top 10 channels for the past seven weeks across all genres (All India 2+), the channel registered 2306.0 impressions. Star Maa is in the second spot with 2162.43 impressions, and...
ABP Sanjha debuts on Dish, Sling TV in USA
ABP Sanjha, a leading 24-hour Punjabi news channel from the house of ABP Network, has recently been launched on Dish (American television provider) and Sling Television (American streaming service) in the United States. This launch also marks the availability of the first ABP Network channel on Dish and Sling platforms in the US. Until the...
Media, ad experts divided over IPL media rights bid prices
The humongous sum of Rs 48,390 crore (approximately $ 6.2 billion) fetched from media rights of IPL cricket has divided industry experts, with some feeling that the market can easily absorb it, while others said anything 'puffy and inflated' puts pressure on the sport. For advertisers, two separate entities bagging the TV and digital rights a...