Red FM has announced the return of 'Hidden Files', a crime show aimed at raising awareness and combating cybercrime. Featuring a year-long show format, the 'Hidden Files' will premiere on July 1, 2023. As the host of ‘Hidden Files’, cybersecurity expert Amit Dubey wil...
Category: Radio
Radio, sound communication by radio waves, usually through the transmission of music, news, and other types of programs from single broadcast stations to multitudes of individual listeners equipped with radio receivers.
MY FM launches ‘MY FM Dekhta Hai’ in 9 cities
MY FM yet again has launched 'MY FM Dekhta Hai' in 9 cities, this time in association with Finolex Industries Pvt Ltd. India has a serious problem with traffic awareness; MY FM took up the cause a few years ago and has continued to promote traffic awareness in all of its cities. The scale has b...
Sonu Nigam, Sunidhi Chauhan, Sukhwinder Singh, Harshdeep Kaur become Mirchi RJs for World Music Day
Mirchi has curated a lineup of renowned artists from the music industry to take over their radio network to commemorate World Music Day. Sonu Nigam, Sundhi Chauhan, Sukhwinder Singh, and Harshdeep Kaur have been invited to take on the role of radio hosts for ...
Red FM brings Red Indies Radio Festival on World Music Day 2023
93.5 RED FM, India's leading private radio and entertainment network, is pleased to announce the third season of the Red Indies Radio Festival 2023, the largest radio celebration of indie music. This one-of-a-kind celebration, themed Sounds of India, will bring together talented independent artist...
BIG FM back with ‘BIG Marathi Bioscope with Subodh Bhave’ S2
For decades, the Marathi film industry has captivated audiences with its rich history, renowned actors, and intriguing trivia. BIG FM, one of the country's leading radio networks, is back with season 2 of its much-loved show
Radio City launches new youthful version of ‘Rag Rag Mein Daude City’ jingle
Radio City has officially launched a one-of-its-kind modern version of ‘Rag Rag Mein Daude City’ #CityKiNayiVibe. The peppy new track has a beat that is set to enthrall audiences, especially the vibrant and spirited ‘Gen Z’ generation. The grand unveiling took place in Dubai, an international destina...