DEN Network sells 51% shareholding in CCNDEN to Gaurs
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4 years ago 11:41:56am Television

DEN Network sells 51% shareholding in CCN DEN to Gaurs

New Delhi, 03-August-2021, By IBW Team

Den Network

India’s leading cable TV platform DEN Networks and its wholly owned subsidiary, Futuristic Media and Entertainment, have sold their entire holding of 51 percent in joint venture CCN DEN Networks to Virender Gaur and Mayank Gaur, the other shareholders, for Rs. 86.7 million (Rs. 8.67 crore).

CCNDEN was a leading digital cable service provider, which operated in the trans-Yamuna area of New Delhi, offered up to 300+ digital channels and was incorporated in 2011 as a joint venture.

Before the JV came into existence, the Gaurs used to operate the CCN that provided cable service.

On its website, CCNDEN Network boasted, “We offer a range of cutting-edge value added services and applications giving an experience of revolution in digital viewing. Subscribers can navigate through channels and services with an easy to use and feature rich interactive Electronic Programming Guide.”

DEN Networks Limited is India’s leading cable TV platform reaching an estimated 13 million digital households in over 200 cities across 13 states in India, as per information on the company’s website.

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