Enterr10 Television, a leading player in the Indian entertainment space, has onboarded Harshad Wadadekar as its Director of Syndication & Partnerships. Known for his expertise in content licensing and syndication, Wadadekar brings over 12 years of experience in the media and entertainment industry to his new role at Enterr10, the home of India’s No. 1 Hindi TV channel.
Harshad Wadadekar’s career is a testament to his deep understanding of the syndication landscape. He began his journey with early roles at Indian Magic Eye, Reliance Entertainment, and B4U Television, where he honed his skills in production and content syndication.
Wadadekar made a significant mark during his nearly decade-long tenure at GoQuest Media, where he advanced to the position of General Manager. His time there was instrumental in shaping his expertise in international content licensing and partnerships.
Subsequent roles included stints at Sony Pictures Networks and Shemaroo Entertainment, where he continued to build his reputation as a syndication specialist.
Speaking about his appointment, Wadadekar shared on LinkedIn, “I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Director – Syndication & Partnerships at Enterr10 Television.”
Harshad Wadadekar’s academic credentials complement his professional achievements. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Mass Media & Production Management, a master’s degree in Business Administration, and a Post-Graduate Program (PGP) in Media and Communication.
Under the leadership of Manish Singhal, Enterr10 Television continues to expand its footprint in the entertainment industry. The appointment of Wadadekar signals the company’s focus on strengthening its content licensing and partnership initiatives to cater to an ever-evolving audience base.
As Enterr10 Television forges ahead, Wadadekar’s expertise is expected to play a pivotal role in shaping its syndication strategies and fostering global partnerships.