Insta launches collaborative collections feature
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2 years ago 06:00:49am Television

Insta launches collaborative collections feature

New Delhi, 31-March-2023, By IBW Team

Insta launches collaborative collections feature

Instagram, which is owned by Meta, has introduced a new “collaborative collections” feature that will allow users and their friends to save and share photos.

According to IANS, this new feature allows people to connect with friends over shared interests by saving posts to a collaborative collection in their group chat or a one-on-one DM.

“Now, when you go to save a piece of content on Feed or from your DMs, you’ll see a new option to create a collaborative collection,” Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri said.

“From there, you can give the collection a unique name and share it with your friends. When your friends receive it, they can begin adding material from reels, Explore, Feed, and DMs to the collection as well,” he added.

According to the report, any user of the chat can add or remove posts from the collection. Users can also contribute directly to a collaborative collection of posts shared in a chat.

Meanwhile, Instagram has revealed that it will place ads in its search results to reach people who are actively looking for businesses, products, and content.

When visitors tap into a post from search results, ads will appear in the feed that they may scroll through.

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