The India Today Group has unveiled its latest venture, ‘Stage Aaj Tak’, a dynamic platform dedicated to delivering premium live entertainment experiences. This new vertical promises to redefine how audiences engage with live performances by curating a variety of ticketed events, including music festivals, stand-up comedy shows, theatre productions and concerts.
As its inaugural offering, ‘Stage Aaj Tak’ is set to roll out the highly anticipated Millionaire Tour by the legendary rapper and music icon Yo Yo Honey Singh.
Scheduled for February-March 2025, this all-India, 10-city concert series is poised to be the artist’s most elaborate and ambitious tour yet. With Honey Singh’s massive fan base and unparalleled popularity in the Indian music scene, the Millionaire Tour aims to set a benchmark for live performances in the country.
The India Today Group’s foray into the live event space marks a strategic expansion into consumer-focused entertainment. ‘Stage Aaj Tak’ is designed to cater to diverse tastes, offering a blend of cultural and contemporary performances.
Speaking about the new venture, a representative from the India Today Group stated, “‘Stage Aaj Tak’ is more than just a platform; it’s a movement to bring world-class entertainment to every corner of India. We’re thrilled to kick off this journey with Yo Yo Honey Singh, an artist who perfectly embodies the energy and vision of our new initiative.”
In addition to concerts and music festivals, the platform plans to host a range of events that cater to all age groups and preferences.