Actor Sachin Pilgaonkar has joined as a presenter for ‘Sthal’, the debut feature film by Jayant Digambar Somalkar, which is scheduled for a theatrical release on March 7, 2025. The date coincides with the birth anniversary of Savitribai Phule, India’s first female teacher and a prominent social reformer, emphasizing the film’s celebration of womanhood.
‘Sthal’ garnered international acclaim by winning the NETPAC Award for Best Film from the Asia-Pacific region at the 48th Toronto International Film Festival in 2023. Since its premiere, the Marathi film has been showcased at 29 major film festivals worldwide, securing over 16 prestigious awards.
Somalkar, also known for co-directing the web series Guilty Minds, expressed his pride in the film’s journey. “After touching hearts globally and winning accolades, Sthal will finally grace theaters on March 7, perfectly timed with International Women’s Day,” he said.
Set in a village in Vidarbha, ‘Sthal’ narrates the story of Savita, a young girl determined to pursue education and a brighter future. Played by debut actor Nandini Chikte, Savita faces societal pressures as her farmer parents struggle to find her a suitable match. The film explores themes of patriarchy and individual aspirations, delivering a poignant narrative.
The cast includes first-time actors from Somalkar’s village, such as Taranath Khiratkar, Sangita Sonekar, and Swati Ulmale, adding authenticity to the storytelling.
Actor Sachin Pilgaonkar, who announced the film’s release on social media, was deeply moved after watching it at the MAMI Festival in Mumbai with his wife, Supriya Pilgaonkar. “The film, rooted in rural Maharashtra, resonated even with the Marathi diaspora in America,” Pilgaonkar shared. He immediately offered his support to the director, recognizing the film’s cultural and emotional depth.
Producer Shefali Bhushan highlighted the significance of the release date: “Releasing Sthal on the eve of International Women’s Day is fitting, as the film questions patriarchy and celebrates womanhood in subtle yet profound ways.”
Produced by Karan Grover, Shefali Bhushan, Riga Malhotra, and Somalkar himself, the film has been praised for its cultural authenticity and emotional resonance.
‘Sthal’ promises to deliver a cinematic experience that bridges the gap between rural stories and global audiences. With its thought-provoking narrative and stellar festival run, the film is set to leave a lasting impact on viewers while championing the spirit of women’s empowerment.
The film’s release on March 7 is expected to be a landmark moment for Marathi cinema, blending social commentary with artistic brilliance.