Jio Star, the broadcast powerhouse, has set an ambitious target to rake in a staggering Rs. 6,000 crore inadvertising revenue across its TV and digital platforms during two marquee cricketing events—the ICC Champions Trophy and the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2025.
This ambitious projection positions Jio Star to dominate the advertising market during one of cricket’s most lucrative seasons.
According to The Economic Times, the broadcaster aims to secure approximately Rs. 1,500 crore in ad revenue from the ICC Champions Trophy, scheduled from February 19 to March 9, and a massive Rs. 4,500 crore from IPL 2025, which will run from March 23 to May 25.
The company’s ad sales team is reportedly in advanced negotiations with advertisers, prioritizing inventory for the Champions Trophy before shifting focus to the IPL.
For the ICC Champions Trophy, Jio Star has unveiled a robust pricing structure. On its flagship TV platform, co-presenting sponsorship slots are priced at Rs. 55 crore, associate sponsorships at Rs. 44 crore, and partner sponsorships at Rs. 28 crore. The cost of a 10-second ad spot during India’s matches stands at Rs. 28 lakh.
On digital platforms, Jio Star is seeking Rs. 55 crore from co-presenting sponsors, Rs. 45 crore from powered-by sponsors, and Rs. 25 crore from associate sponsors. The cost per mille (CPM) rates are set at Rs. 250 for the full tournament and Rs. 500 for India matches, reflecting the premium value of India-centric viewership.
Additionally, for Connected TV (CTV), the broadcaster has priced 10-second spots at ₹7 lakh for the entire tournament and Rs. 15 lakh for India and playoff matches.
The IPL, known as the crown jewel of cricketing entertainment, is expected to deliver the bulk of Jio Star’s revenue. While the detailed ad rate card for IPL 2025 is yet to be released, industry experts anticipate even higher rates due to the league’s unmatched viewership and sponsorship appeal.
The dual events are expected to draw unprecedented advertiser interest, given their ability to capture massive audiences across India and globally. With the Champions Trophy featuring top-tier international teams and the IPL being a proven blockbuster event, Jio Star is poised to capitalize on the passion and enthusiasm surrounding cricket in the country.
This ambitious revenue goal underscores Jio Star’s aggressive strategy to solidify its leadership in the sports broadcasting market. By leveraging both traditional television and digital platforms, the broadcaster aims to cater to diverse viewership preferences, ensuring maximum reach and impact for its advertisers.
As cricket fever grips the nation, Jio Star is all set to redefine the scale of advertising revenue in the sports broadcasting industry, marking 2025 as a pivotal year for its operations.