MIB registers BCCC as a self regulatory body
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MIB registers BCCC as a self regulatory body

New Delhi, 01-March-2022, By IBW Team

MIB issues advisory to MSOs, LCOs on Sansad TV carriage details

The Cable TV Networks (Amendment) Rules, 2021 were notified on 17 June

New Delhi: The ministry of information and broadcasting (I&B) has registered the Broadcasting Content Complaints Council (BCCC) as a self-regulatory body for redressal of grievances against the non-news television channels under the Cable TV Networks (Amendment) Rules, 2021 notified recently.

Founded in June 2011 by the Indian Broadcasting Federation (IBF), BCCC is an independent self-regulatory body for non-news general entertainment channels that examines content-related grievances against over 300 non-news channels in the country.

“The BCCC shall perform all functions specified for a self-regulatory body in Rule 18 of the Cable Television Networks (Amendment) Rules, 2021,” the ministry said. While Justice (retd) AP Shah was the BCCC’s founding chairperson, Justice (retd) Gita Mittal is the present chairperson of the Council.

“It is a pleasant recognition of ten years of very hard work done by the BCCC under its various learned chairpersons,” BCCC’s general secretary Ashish Sinha told PTI.

Under the amended Cable TV network rules notified by the government in May, self-regulatory bodies of TV channels are required to be registered with the central government.

The amended rules stipulate a three-layer grievance redressal mechanism — self-regulation by broadcasters, self-regulation by the self-regulating bodies of broadcasters, and an oversight mechanism by the central government. The rules require each broadcaster to establish a grievance or complaint redressal mechanism, appoint an officer to deal with the complaints, display the contact details of their grievance officer on their website or interface and be a member of a self-regulating body.

As per the rules, any person aggrieved by the content of a programme of a channel may file his/her complaint in writing to the broadcaster first. “The broadcaster shall, within 24 hours of a complaint being filed, generate and issue an acknowledgment to the complainant for his information and record. The broadcaster shall dispose of the complaint and inform the complainant of its decision within 15 days of receipt of such complaint,” the rules state.

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