Netflix India has launched ‘Class’, an adaptation of the popular Spanish series ‘Elite’, created by Carlos Montero and Dario Madrona
The young adult series follows the tumultuous events that unfurl when two worlds collide, shaking up families, relationships, and the lives of students from high-profile families.
Sparks fly at New Delhi’s upscale Hampton International when three new students from starkly different backgrounds challenge the existing dynamics at this elite enclave.
The teaser for ‘Class’ was unveiled at Netflix’s Global Fan Event, ‘Tudum’, and spotlights the young cast.
Produced by Bodhitree Multimedia Limited in association with Future East and directed by Ashim Ahluwalia, the series stars Gurfateh Pirzada, Anjali Sivaraman, Ayesha Kanga, Chayan Chopra, Chintan Rach, Cyaawal Singh, Madhyama Segal, Moses Koul, Naina Bhan, Piyush Khati and Zeyn Shaw in leading roles.
Speaking about his experience of bringing Class alive, director Ashim Ahluwalia said: “As a filmmaker and storyteller, Class is a universe I always envisioned designing for India. Each character’s journey is unpredictable and fascinating. Young people can be highly emotional and impulsive, which makes for great dramatic conflict. Nobody remains unchanged and these layers in the narrative make it a wild, addictive watch. The entire team of Class – especially the young cast – has been great to work with and we are excited for the audience to get a glimpse of this unique world with this teaser.”