News18 Network’s Metaverse campaign reaches 1cr+ in a single day
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2 years ago 04:38:44pm Television

News18 Network’s Metaverse campaign reaches 1cr+ in a single day

News18 network

On Mother’s Day, May 14th, News18 Network launched an extraordinary Metaverse experience. This ground-breaking collaboration drew an overwhelming response, garnering a reach of over 1 crore in just one day.

News18 successfully created an interactive environment that encouraged participants to explore and commit to being respectful to mothers in general by utilizing the most recent match toolkit.

The Mother’s Day campaign on News18 Network took a strong stance against the widespread use of derogatory language when referring to cherished terms like ‘Maa’ or ‘Mother.’

Recognizing that these words are frequently used in offensive and abusive language, News18 launched a strong campaign to address the problem. The campaign sent a strong message of respect and reverence by encouraging people to sign a pledge to refrain from using such foul language.

The campaign was seamlessly integrated with a Metaverse interface, providing a platform for people to pledge their commitment to honouring mothers and not using derogatory language. By incorporating cutting-edge technology, News18’s Metaverse world transformed the way Mother’s Day is celebrated.

Through this platform, News18 HSM provided its audience with a captivating virtual world where they could fully immerse themselves in the celebration of Mother’s Day. Thousands of participants used their avatars to take their Mother’s Day pledge; many also shared it extensively on social media using #News18MothersDay.

Karan Abhishek Singh, CEO of News18 Network, Hindi Cluster, expressed his delight at the campaign, stating, ” News18 Network is the country’s No. 1 News Network. A key reason for this is our commitment to innovation and fresh thinking. As the leader in the genre, we also believe that it is our responsibility to drive responsible behaviour.

“This campaign was a wonderful amalgamation of both these things – encouraging our viewers to behave with the utmost respect towards their mother and avoid the use of intemperate language, as well as creating an immersive campaign in the Metaverse thereby providing our viewers with a unique and differentiated experience,” Singh added.

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