Prasar Bharati has introduced a groundbreaking revision to its e-auction policy for DD Free Dish slots, marking a new chapter in the evolution of India’s largest free-to-air platform. For the first time, High Definition (HD) channels have been granted eligibility to bid for slots, a move that is set to enhance the viewing experience for millions of households across the country, The Storyboard18 reported.
Under the updated guidelines, HD channels will now be able to participate in the bidding process for MPEG-4 slots. The reserve price for these slots has been set at Rs.80 lakh, with subsequent slots offered at an incremental rate of Rs.1 lakh. This policy shift significantly expands the platform’s offerings, with the MPEG-4 slots now equivalent to approximately 40 Standard Definition (SD) slots, a steep increase from the earlier provision of 11-12 slots.
The e-auction process for MPEG-4 slots will follow a bucket-wise format, ensuring an organized and efficient allocation of resources. A maximum of two HD slots will be up for bidding in this category or fewer if the number of applications is limited. This initiative not only sets a benchmark in free-to-air broadcasting but also aligns with the growing consumer demand for high-quality content.