Marking a cinematic tribute to one of India’s greatest social reformers, ‘Phule’, starring Pratik Gandhi and Patralekhaa, is set for a theatrical release on April 11, 2025, coinciding with the 197th birth anniversary of Jyotirao Phule.
The announcement, made on Savitribai Phule’s birth anniversary, has already sparked excitement among history enthusiasts and cinephiles alike.
Helmed by veteran filmmaker Ananth Mahadevan, Phule promises to delve deep into the lives and contributions of Jyotirao Phule and Savitribai Phule, pioneers of social reform in India. While Gandhi takes on the role of the visionary reformer Jyotirao Phule, Patralekhaa portrays Savitribai Phule, celebrated for her ground-breaking work in women’s education and emancipation, PTI reported.
In a statement, Mahadevan emphasized the historical significance of the film, “This is our humble tribute to a great son and daughter of India. The film offers more than what history books have touched upon, providing an immersive journey into the lives of these visionaries. It’s a must-watch for the Y-generation, showcasing how Jyotirao and Savitribai Phule shaped our nation’s history.”
Produced by Dancing Shiva Films, Kingsmen Productions, and Zee Studios, the film aims to bring lesser-known facets of the Phules’ journey to the forefront, shedding light on their relentless fight against caste discrimination, gender inequality, and social injustice.
Director Ananth Mahadevan, celebrated for films like ‘Mee Sindhutai Sapkal’, ‘Gour Hari Dastaan’, and ‘Bittersweet’, brings his expertise in crafting compelling biographical narratives to Phule. With his track record of delivering thought-provoking cinema, Mahadevan is poised to present an engaging and insightful portrayal of the Phules’ legacy.