Global icon Priyanka Chopra Jonas has joined the team of the Oscar-shortlisted short film ‘Anuja’ as an executive producer. The film, set in New Delhi, has been shortlisted in the Live Action Short category by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), making it one of the 15 contenders vying for an Academy Award nomination, PTI reported.
Produced by two-time Oscar winner Guneet Monga and celebrated actor-producer Mindy Kaling, ‘Anuja’ is co-directed by Adam J Graves and Suchitra Mattai. The compelling narrative revolves around a gifted nine-year-old girl, Anuja, who faces a life-altering decision: to pursue education or work in a factory alongside her sister. This choice shapes not only her own future but also that of her family.
The film stars Sajda Pathan and Ananya Shanbhag, bringing to life the emotional and impactful story of resilience and sacrifice.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas, known for her dedication to amplifying diverse voices and impactful stories, said in a statement, “I am honored to be a part of ‘Anuja’. This story speaks to the resilience and spirit of young girls everywhere who dare to dream despite insurmountable odds.”
With its powerful storyline and strong creative backing, ‘Anuja’ has emerged as a significant contender in the Oscar race, continuing to shine a spotlight on Indian narratives on the global stage.