The beloved 1993 Japanese-Indian animated classic ‘Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama’ is all set to grace Indian theatres on January 24, 2025. Distributed by Geek Pictures India in collaboration with AA Films and Excel Entertainment, the film will release in 4K with new dubs in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu, alongside its original English version, PTI reported from Mumbai.
Originally scheduled for release on October 18, 2024, the film’s debut was postponed to ensure a wider theatrical rollout. Arjun Aggarwal, co-founder of Geek Pictures India, expressed excitement about bringing the timeless epic to Indian audiences, stating, “This is more than a film—it’s a celebration of our culture that bridges generations, showcasing India’s heritage through the unparalleled artistry of Japanese anime.”
Directed by Yugo Sako, Ram Mohan, and Koichi Sasaki, the film is an anime adaptation of the epic ‘Ramayana’. Its earlier Hindi version featured an iconic voice cast, with Arun Govil as Ram, Namrata Sawhney as Sita, and the late Amrish Puri as Raavan. Veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha lent his voice as the narrator. For the new release, celebrated screenwriter V Vijayendra Prasad—known for blockbusters like ‘Baahubali’, ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’, and ‘RRR’—has creatively adapted the script to resonate with modern audiences.
The film holds a special place in cinematic history. Although it was screened at the 24th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in 1993, it never made it to Indian cinemas. Instead, it gained immense popularity during its re-runs on Indian television in the early 2000s, captivating audiences with its stunning animation and heartfelt storytelling.
By reintroducing the film to Indian theatres, the distributors aim to honor its legacy while attracting new audiences. Aggarwal noted the importance of this move, stating, “By collaborating with the best in the industry and presenting it in multiple languages, we aim to ensure this timeless tale touches hearts across every corner of India.”
With its visually striking 4K format and updated dubs, ‘Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama‘ promises to be both a nostalgic journey for longtime fans and a fresh experience for first-time viewers. The release serves as a cultural bridge, celebrating the fusion of Indian mythology with Japanese artistry while preserving the essence of the epic for generations to come.