Republic Bharat, the flagship Hindi news channel of Republic Media Network, has announced the launch of ‘Sangam – Sahitya, Sur aur Shakti’, a groundbreaking cultural intellectual property designed to celebrate and showcase the essence of India’s artistic and cultural heritage.
Reaching over 49 crore people annually and watched by every second viewer in India’s TV universe, a press release from the news channel said, Republic Bharat is taking a bold step beyond news to establish the cultural event as a beacon of India’s rich traditions in literature, music, spirituality and women empowerment.
The initiative will feature a stellar line-up of India’s most revered speakers, musicians, writers, artists and novelists, each contributing their unique voice to celebrate the nation’s legacy.
Hersh Bhandari, CEO of Republic Media Network, remarked: “As a network rooted in the principle of ‘Nation First,’ we firmly believe that culture lies at the heart of our national identity. With ‘Sangam – Sahitya, Sur aur Shakti’, we are launching a cultural IP that embodies this belief, showcasing India’s unmatched artistic brilliance to the world. This is more than an event; it’s a movement – a commitment to celebrating our traditions, creativity, and diversity.”
By weaving together music, literature, and art, the IP aspires to inspire a deeper appreciation for India’s timeless traditions while offering a fresh perspective on the cultural narratives that unite the nation.