Sony SAB launches new campaign
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2 years ago 03:00:29pm Television

Sony SAB launches new campaign

New Delhi, 14-June-2023, By IBW Team

sony sab

Sony SAB has recently launched a digital campaign #HameshaKaHiKyun for their new show ‘Vanshaj’.

According to the channel, the campaign aims to shed light on the current reality of gender disparity in India.

Women continue to face formidable obstacles in their quest to prove their worth in leadership positions in today’s dynamic and evolving society.

The long-held belief that only men have the innate qualities to excel in such roles has severely limited opportunities for women to demonstrate their abilities.

The campaign emphasises the fact that women make up only 15 percent of board members in Indian family businesses, and the percentage of women holding Senior VP positions has dropped from 18 percent to 13 percent.

The goal of this campaign is to challenge gender stereotypes and advocate for inclusivity in leadership positions.

The new family drama ‘Vanshaj’ from Sony SAB delves into the complex dynamics of a legacy business empire, challenging conventional patriarchal narratives.

‘Vanshaj’ aims to shatter the glass ceiling and emphasise that leadership and entrepreneurship should be determined by one’s abilities rather than their gender by debunking the myth that women cannot rightfully inherit family businesses.

The show will air on Sony SAB, Monday to Saturday at 10 pm.

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