Tata Play, one of India’s leading Direct-to-Home (DTH) providers, has launched its latest campaign, ‘Sirf Lage Mehenga’, introducing Super Value Packs designed to deliver premium entertainment at affordable prices. Starting at just Rs.299, these packs cater to the varied preferences of every family member, providing a seamless blend of quality and value.
The campaign, conceptualized by Ogilvy, humorously dispels the notion that DTH services are expensive. Through a series of parody films, it showcases how Tata Play offers world-class entertainment across genres like general entertainment, sports, movies, news, music, devotional content, and kids’ programming—all without compromising on quality, the platform said in a press release.
The films highlight tense situations that are humorously resolved, emphasizing the joy of affordable yet premium television entertainment. The multilingual campaign aims to connect with diverse audiences across India, with regional adaptations in Marathi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.
The Hindi Super Value Pack begins at Rs.299, offering a wide variety of content tailored for families. Regional packs start as low as Rs.255, ensuring viewers from different linguistic backgrounds can access high-quality programming.
• Budget-friendly pricing with premium content.
• Extensive coverage of genres for every family member.
• Easy customization through Tata Play’s website, mobile app, or local dealers.
The ‘Sirf Lage Mehenga’ campaign will be promoted extensively on television and digital platforms, ensuring maximum reach. Two films will be released in the coming days, reinforcing Tata Play’s commitment to delivering unmatched value.
Viewers can explore the campaign’s engaging films on Tata Play’s YouTube channel: ‘Doctor Marathi 20’, ‘Bomb Squad Bengali 20’, ‘Tamil Thailava 269’, ‘Doctor Telugu 20’.
Subscribers can change or select packs effortlessly via the Tata Play website or the Tata Play mobile app. Regional dealers are also available to assist customers in availing of these Super Value Packs.
This new initiative cements Tata Play’s position as a value-driven entertainment provider, bridging quality content and affordability for households across India.