Toonz Media Group, a global leader in kids and family entertainment, has announced a collaboration with Greyscale Animation to co-produce an exciting new animated series based on the acclaimed short film Odd Dog. Created by award-winning producer and director Keika Lee, the original film has garnered recognition at festivals worldwide and is now set to expand into a major series.
The upcoming series, aimed at preschoolers, follows the heartwarming adventures of Obi, a cat who identifies as a dog, and Eli, a quiet and serious little boy longing for a canine companion. Together, they navigate a world filled with humor, love, and valuable life lessons, the company said a press release.
The 13-episode series, with each episode running for 7 minutes, explores themes of individuality, identity, and acceptance, delivering a powerful message: it’s okay to be different. The show emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself while making a positive impact on the world.
Keika Lee expressed her enthusiasm about the series, “Odd Dog teaches us that each of us is unique in our own way, and we should embrace who we are. It challenges traditional ideas of strength, showing that being quietly courageous is just as valid. I have no doubt that Toonz Media Group is the right partner with their exceptional talent and leadership. I am very excited to continue the story of Odd Dog with Toonz and share it with the world.”
P. Jayakumar, CEO of Toonz Media Group, also shared his excitement regarding the collaboration:
“Keika Lee is one of the top animation talents in the world today, and her work has already made a lasting impression. We are thrilled to bring our expertise to elevate Odd Dog to the next level. Together, we believe this series will captivate and inspire a global audience.”
For Lee, Odd Dog represents more than just a project; it is a personal journey that began with her childhood fascination with animation, sparked by watching Cinderella. After creating her first animated short film during an internship at Kyoto Animation Studio, she built a career spanning 15 years in the film and game industry. In 2017, she founded Greyscale Animation to produce Odd Dog, marking an exciting new chapter in her career.
With the partnership between Toonz Media Group and Greyscale Animation, Odd Dog is set to become a beloved animated series that resonates with preschoolers and parents alike, delivering important lessons on acceptance and individuality in an engaging and entertaining format.