TRAI suggests separate license authorization for access network provider
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3 years ago 06:10:51am Television

TRAI suggests separate license authorization for access network provider

New Delhi, 13-September-2022, By IBW Team

Telcos implement TRAI rules on monthly voucher schemes

India’s telecom regulator TRAI has recommended creation of a separate license authorization for access network providers and a broad framework for VNO(s) seeking and entering into an agreement with the network providers.

Implementation of these recommendations are likely to result in increased sharing of network resources, reduction of cost, attract investment, strengthen the service delivery segment and could also prove to be a catalyst in proliferation of 5G services for the enterprise segment and various other use cases in a localized manner, the regulator said Thursday.

A detailed recommendation on the issue — which was asked to be revisited by the regulator by the Department of Telecoms — was posted on TRAI’s website yesterday.

Some of the highlights of the recommendations are s follows:

  • A separate authorization under Unified License should be created for access network provider (network layer) to provide network services on a wholesale basis. Under this authorization for network layer, the access network provider shall not be permitted to directly provide services to the end customers under the authorization.
  • The scope of the Access Network Provider shall be to establish and maintain access networks, including wireless and wireline access networks, and sell the network services (capable of carrying voice and non-voice messages and data) on a wholesale basis to VNOs (service delivery operators) for retailing purposes.
  • The access network provider should be permitted to have capabilities to support all the services mentioned in the scope of access service authorization under Unified License (UL).
  • The access network provider should be permitted to provide/share its network resources to/with the telecom service providers who are licensees under the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, and vice versa.
  • Licensed service area for access network provider should be kept same as that existing in access service authorization under UL.
  • Access network provider should be responsible for all the network related terms and conditions specified in the access service authorization under Unified License. However, the terms and conditions related to service delivery should be excluded.
  • The existing licensing regime of Unified License shall be continued. However, if a licensee with access service authorization under UL wishes to migrate to a segregated network layer and service layer regime, it should be permitted to do so.
  • The network provider shall be permitted to take a separate license under UL[VNO) framework for provision of services to the end subscribers.
  • To bring in transparency and accountability in the entire process for VNO(s) seeking and entering into an agreement with Network provider or Unified Licensee, a broad framework should be prescribed, including the definite process in respect of application filing, application processing and defined timelines, etc.
  • The framework should provide the process to be followed for applying for wholesale capacity/network resources along with the detailed proposal, process of acceptance/rejection by the Unified Licensees (including access network providers), along with defined timelines.
  • To ensure that the terms and conditions offered to different VNOs are fair, transparent, and non-discriminatory, the Unified Licensee shall declare their Reference Offer (including commercials) on their website.
  • The Unified Licensee shall offer the wholesales services to different VNO(S), including VNO owned/promoted by itself, in a transparent, fair, and non-discriminatory manner.
  • The license fee and spectrum usage charges applicable for the access network provider authorization should be the same as that applicable to the access service authorization under Unified License.

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