A social drama focusing on the journey of a young girl, ‘Bheema’, towards equal rights, set in the 1980s, &TV‘s new show ‘Bheema’, produced by Raj Khatri Productions, delves into the story of a young girl named Bheema from a marginalized community.
This social drama centres on her struggle and journey towards equal rights, highlighting her courage as she faces adversities from her family, society, and economic conditions.
Despite numerous injustices and discrimination, Bheema’s unwavering resolve and dedication to upholding the laws and ideals of Dr. BR Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian Constitution, shine through. At a young age, she commits herself wholeheartedly to this mission, even as the dominant class in society, threatened by her pursuit, bands together with unprecedented force to thwart her efforts. The escalating conflict only strengthens Bheema’s determination.
‘Bheema’ will premiere on August 6, 2024, at 8:30pm on &TV.