The upcoming Telugu action spy thriller ‘Goodachari 2’ has added a fresh face to its star-studded cast, with actor Wamiqa Gabbi joining the ensemble. Gabbi, known for her versatile roles in both film and digital platforms, will be seen alongside Adivi Sesh, who reprises his role in this highly anticipated sequel, PTI reported from New Delhi.
Directed by Vinay Kumar Sirigineedi, a debutant filmmaker, ‘Goodachari 2’ is the follow-up to the 2018 hit ‘Goodachari’, which garnered both critical and commercial success. The new film promises to bring back the adrenaline-pumping action, spy intrigue, and suspense that made its predecessor a fan favorite.
In addition to Wamiqa Gabbi and Adivi Sesh, the sequel also stars Emraan Hashmi, adding star power to an already impressive lineup.
‘Goodachari 2’ is expected to continue the thrilling saga of espionage, with Gabbi’s character likely to bring new dynamics to the plot.