In a grand event held today in New Delhi, the Information and Broadcasting Minister and Minister of Sports, Anurag Singh Thakur, unveiled the thrilling trailer of the animated series ‘Bharat Hain Hum.’
Sonia Huria has been appointed as Amazon Prime Video‘s Head of Communications – APAC. She joined the streaming platform in 2020 and previously worked as the Communications Head in India.
ABP Network, a prominent name in the media industry, is delighted to announce the appointment of Ananta Natha Jha as the Associate Vice-President of ABP Live.
Sony AATH, the popular Bengali general entertainment channel, is gearing up for a special Mahalaya celebration that promises to keep the festive spirit alive among its viewers.
ABP Network has announced ‘The Southern Rising’ Summit, an event dedicated to celebrating the exceptional economic progress, cultural richness, and social harmony exemplified by the South Indian States.
As the much-awaited Durga Puja festival draws near, News18 Bangla has announced a lineup of programmes designed to immerse viewers in the spirit of the festival.
The third season of the hit crime drama ‘Aarya’, starring Sushmita Sen, is all set to release on Disney+Hotstar on November 3.
In honour of World Mental Health Day, Zee Media Corporation Limited, in collaboration with Rotary International (District 3012, Rotary Club of Delhi North), the Cosmos Institute of Mental Health & Behavioral Sciences (CIMBS), New Delhi, and the World.
Hollywood writers have voted almost unanimously to approve the contract agreement reached by their union leaders that ended a strike after nearly five months, while actors remain in negotiations to find a way out of their strike.
The Advertising Club has announced the return of its highly anticipated event, M.Ad Quiz, in association with Brand Equity.