Bodhi Tree Multimedia (BTML) announced that it has entered into an agreement with Disney Star for a new show to be streamed on the Disney-Hotstar platform. The show, currently under production, is an adaptation of the popular Turkish series, ‘Ezel’. Known for its gripping storyline and compelling characters...
The India Today Group has announced the appointment of Rudra Kasturi as Chief Strategy Officer (Digital Business) and Shailesh Shekhar as Chief Synergy Officer, effective June 1, 2024. These appointments were approved by the Board of Directors of T.V. Today Network Limited, marking a significant step in the company’s strategic leadership expansion...
IPL broadcaster Star Sports yesterday denied airing the audio of any personal conversation involving Rohit Sharma after the Indian captain accused the channel of “breaching” his privacy despite his requests to stop the recording. A video shared by Kolkata Knight Riders, involving Rohit and KKR assistant coach Abhishek Nayar, in which the former was purportedly seen contemplating his future at the Mumbai Indians..
British actor Jamie Bacon and Nepalese star Pradeep Khadka are set to headline director Pradeep Shahi’s upcoming sci-fi film ‘Eklo’. According to PTI, ‘Eklo’ marks the directorial debut of Pradeep Shahi and will be the first science fiction film to emerge from Nepal. The narrative unfolds in a futuristic version of Earth, where a deadly viral epidemic compels humanity to abandon the planet in 2030.
Sony Pictures Entertainment and Apollo Global Management had signed non-disclosure agreements that would allow them to look at Paramount‘s books ahead of a potential bid for the movie studio’s assets. The companies are, however, backing away from an initial plan to make an all-cash $26 billion offer for Paramount, Reuters reported...
In a recent interview, showrunner Eric Kripke revealed exciting details about the upcoming fourth season of ‘The Boys,’ including the addition of three new supes to the notoriously incomplete superhero team, The Seven. The new characters set to join the fray are Sister Sage, Firecracker, and a surprise third supe portrayed by returning actor Nathan Mitchell, who previously played the enigmatic Black Noir, the platform said in a statement.
NDTV’s Election Carnival, a vibrant celebration of democratic engagement, is captivating hearts and minds across India. Initially planned to cover 5,000 kilometers, the overwhelming reception has led to an extension, now spanning 11,000 kilometers and over 50 cities non-stop for 30 days. This initiative underscores NDTV’s commitment to fostering informed citizenship, acting as a catalyst...
Tamil action drama ‘Rathnam,’ starring Vishal in the lead role, is set to make its streaming debut on Prime Video starting May 23, the OTT platform announced on Tuesday. Directed by the acclaimed Hari, known for his successful films such as ‘Yaanai,’ ‘Saamy,’ and the ‘Singam’ series, ‘Rathnam’ promises to deliver a gripping and high-octane cinematic experience....
Maddock Films, the production house helmed by Dinesh Vijan, has unveiled the teaser for its highly anticipated horror comedy movie ‘Munjya.’ The film is scheduled to hit theaters on June 7, promising a thrilling blend of horror and comedy that caters to Gen Z, kids, and families alike. Set in the same universe as Maddock Films’ successful earlier releases ‘Stree’ and ‘Bhediya...
‘Girls Will Be Girls,’ the inaugural production venture of actors Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal, is set to be showcased at the Cannes Écrans Juniors during the 2024 Cannes Film Festival. The film will be part of a selection of eight international movies featured in the sidebar section, known for its focus on themes, cultures, and cinematic artistry that appeal to young audiences above 13 years old.