Zee Media quits the world of BARC audience ratings
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Zee Media quits the world of BARC audience ratings

New Delhi, 05-October-2022, By IBW Team

Zee Media quits the world of BARC audience ratings

In a bold and decisive decision, Zee Media (housing the Zee branded news channels) has decided to quit the BARC India-generated audience ratings system.

In a late evening statement on Tuesday, Zee Media claimed that Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) India data relating to the news genre, in general, were incorrect and that such a practice was being followed to ‘extend the benefit’ to general entertainment channels (GECs).

“This decision is a milestone for the whole news media industry. There are more than 5-8 million people associated with news and broadcasting industry at large who get impacted adversely if incorrect reporting is published by the rating agencies and it has been observed in (the) last few months that news genre is being shown (to have) shrunk by the BARC (rating agency) to extend the benefit to GEC and other genre(s),” the statement said.

Zee Media also claimed it had raised its concern multiple times with BARC India and had questioned the “whole structure” and operational transparency towards the news industry, which “represents media and is, usually, termed as the fourth pillar of democracy”.

It is pertinent to point out here that the rating agency has failed to address the concerns of the news industry and Zee Media, the company stressed unambiguously.

“BARC has not given any white paper on TRP scam until now and it’s a matter of great concern that who all were involved in this malpractice and if (they) are still part of the system (people/channels) and what action has been taken against them.

“Biggest concern and challenge is that BARC has not given any solution… as they are continuing reporting for landing pages and barker pages, which impact ratings favourably for those who use these at the peril of others who do not subscribe to these unethical practices,” the news company said.

It also accused BARC India, since it restarted giving out data related to the news sector, of continuously showing figures that indicated the world of news media was shrinking.

“In spite of multiple meetings and conversation with BARC, the agency has not only failed but has not been able to explain such a steep fall,” Zee Media said.

The company also said it has repeatedly demanded for a far larger sample (of meters) size if BARC India was serious about ensuring a measurement process that could not be rigged or manipulated.

Zee Media Corporation Limited (formerly Zee News Ltd.) is one of the largest news networks of India with 14 news channels in 10 different languages and digital properties like zeenews.com and dnaindia.com, touching more than 183 million viewers.

Part of multibillion-dollar Essel Group, Zee Digital has a reach of 203+ million monthly unique visitors and the social media pages of the network have around 77 million followers, information on Zee Media’s website said.

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