Zee Tamil, a leading entertainment channel in Tamil Nadu, is set to infuse the ‘Margazhi’ season with an extra layer of devotion and joy through its iconic morning show ‘Olimayamana Ethirkaalam’.
Known for its astrology and daily predictions, the show will feature ‘Margazhi’ special songs performed by celebrated singers from Zee Tamil’s ‘Sa Re Ga Ma Pa’.
‘Margazhi’, a spiritually significant month in Tamil culture, is marked by early mornings, vibrant kolams, temple visits, and devotional music. Recognizing the importance of this cherished time, Zee Tamil has tailored ‘Olimayamana Ethirkaalam’ to resonate with the essence of ‘Margazhi’.
Airing daily at 7 am, the show brings together astrology and music, making mornings serene and uplifting for viewers. With this musical addition, families can start their day with soulful Carnatic music alongside astrological insights.
‘Olimayamana Ethirkaalam’, hosted by the renowned astrologer ‘Harikeshanallur Venkat Raman’, recently celebrated a remarkable milestone of 5,000 episodes. Known for his energetic and relatable style, ‘Venkat Raman’ continues to inspire and engage audiences, solidifying the show’s place as a beloved morning ritual in Tamil households.
To celebrate ‘Margazhi’, the show will feature divine musical performances by talented singers from Zee Tamil’s ‘Sa Re Ga Ma Pa’. These artists are ready to captivate audiences with their renditions of traditional and soulful songs, adding a festive charm to the morning routine.
This Margazhi season, Zee Tamil invites you to embrace the spirit of devotion, music, and positivity. Let Olimayamana Ethirkaalam transform your mornings into a feast for the soul with its unique blend of predictions and melodious music.
Start your day right, celebrate Margazhi, and enjoy the season’s divine vibes with Zee Tamil!